Our Daily Bread: From Grain To Loaf…Part 4

Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread

So, since my oven died and I am trying to lose weight by going “grain free” (and sugar free and low carb) I have been experimenting with new ways of making bread and I think I finally found it!  The easiest, most nutritious bread EVER!

This bread is SO EASY, I don’t think I will ever make bread any other way again…honestly, if you have electricity and the convenience of modern appliances you really have no excuse for NOT making this bread.  The robots do all the work, all you need do is sprout the wheat 😀

Let’s talk about wheat sprouts.

When a seed sprouts it is no longer a seed (or grain) but now a plant.  The germination process destroys phytic acid (the seed’s protective barrier that is injurious to health when over-consumed) and increases it’s nutritional profile.  Some people recommend using “hard red winter wheat” for bread-making and I have tried that but I feel the best loaf is attained with “hard red spring wheat”, it has a higher protein percentage.  I do not at all recommend “soft winter wheat” for yeasted breads, it is best used for making things like crackers, pancakes, biscuits and other “quick breads”…especially cookies because this wheat is very sweet once sprouted.

Sprouting wheat is REALLY EASY.  All you do is this, get out a BIG bowl, dump 3 cups of wheat into it (you can usually order this from any natural food store and it is CHEAP…my last 50 pound bag of organic “hard red spring wheat” that I bought was $27.80…it had come down from the $36.00 it was when I bought it before last!) and fill with non-chlorinated water until the wheat is covered.  Put the bowl in a warm place, I use my broken oven with just the oven light on, it stays about 80F in there, and let soak for 24 hours.  Then put the soaked and now germinated wheat in a big colander and drain well, then put the colander over a bowl to catch any stray drips and put back in the warm place.  “Water” the now germinated wheat every 4-6 hours or so by running water over it while in the colander and letting it drain off and then put back in it’s warm place.  After another 24 hours you will have tiny wheat sprouts beginning…it is now ready to make bread!

Here is a sprout guide:

Tiny, just barely sprouted sprouts = a light fluffy airy bread

Sprouts the same length as the grain = a denser, cakey, very sweet loaf

Sprouts twice the length of the grain = dry them out and grind into flour to make “sprouted wheat flour” also called diastatic malt, like malted barley flour which is sometimes added to all purpose white flour, it’s good food for your yeast to help better rise your bread…it works especially well for sourdough bread

Sprouts any longer than twice the length of the grain = eat them, love them, just as they are…my kiddos especially love wheat sprouts!  I will also sprout them in 5 gallon buckets and give them to the chickens and goats as a treat, especially in the middle of winter when there is little green stuff to eat

Moving on…

Now that your wheat is ready, drain it really well and put it into a food processor.  My food processor is pretty small so I have to do it in two batches…alternatively you can also grind the wheat into a dough in a hand grinder, it works well but takes longer.  To the wheat add 1 tsp. moist grey sea salt and 1 tsp. yeast…and that’s it!  Grind the wheat in the food processor until it comes together as a dough, this may take 2-3 minutes.

Once it comes together as a dough, scrape it out of the bowl and into the breadmaker.  I use the “rapid whole wheat bread” cycle which takes 3 hours and 9 minutes.  The bread machine will further knead the bread for you and then bake it.  The moment it is done, remove the loaf and store in a paper bag to “sweat it”….doing this will help to soften the crust.  Keep stored in the paper bag until fully cooled and then slice and use just like any other bread…it’s good for sandwiches and makes an AWESOME french toast!

Alternatively, you can also form the dough into 2 small loaves and “bake” in the dehydrator at 145F until they are dry enough to be sliced….

I swear this is the easiest, most nutritious bread ever and I will never make it any other way again 😀

The Christian’s Secret Of A Happy Life

A favorite excerpt from a favorite book 🙂

“One of the greatest obstacles to living unwaveringly this life of entire surrender is the difficulty of seeing God in everything. People say, “I can easily submit to things which come from God; but I cannot submit to man, and most of my trials and crosses come through human instrumentality.”

Or they say, “It is all well enough to talk of trusting; but when I commit a matter to God, man is sure to come in and disarrange it all; and while I have no difficulty in trusting God, I do see serious difficulties in the way of trusting men.”

This is no imaginary trouble, but it is of vital importance, and if it cannot be met,
does really make the life of faith an impossible and visionary theory. For nearly
everything in life comes to us through human instrumentalities, and most of our trials are the result of somebody’s failure, or ignorance, or carelessness, or sin. We know God cannot be the author of these things, and yet unless He is the agent in the matter, how can we say to Him about it, “Thy will be done”?

Besides, what good is there in trusting our affairs to God, if, after all, man is to be
allowed to come in and disarrange them; and how is it possible to live by faith, if
human agencies, in whom it would be wrong and foolish to trust, are to have a
predominant influence in moulding our lives? Moreover, things in which we can see God’s hand always have a sweetness in them which consoles while it wounds. But the trials inflicted by man are full of bitterness.

What is needed, then, is to see God in everything, and to receive everything
directly from His hands, with no intervention of second causes. And it is just to this that we must be brought, before we can know an abiding experience of entire abandonment and perfect trust. Our abandonment must be to God, not to man, and our trust must be in Him, not in any arm of flesh, or we shall fail at the first trial.

The question here confronts us at once, “But is God in everything, and have we
any warrant from the Scripture for receiving everything from His hands, without regarding the second causes which may have been instrumental in bringing it about?” I answer to this, unhesitatingly, Yes. To the children of God everything comes directly from their Father’s hand, no matter who or what may have been the apparent agents.

There are no “second causes” for them.

I learned this lesson practically and experimentally long years before I knew the
scriptural truth concerning it. I was attending a prayer-meeting held for the promotion of scriptural holiness, when a strange lady rose to speak, and I looked at her, wondering who she could be, little thinking she was to bring a message to my soul which would teach me such a grand lesson.

She said she had had great difficulty in living the life of faith, on account of the second causes that seemed to her to control nearly everything
that concerned her. Her perplexity became so great, that at last she began to ask God to teach her the truth about it, whether He really was in everything or not.

After praying this for a few days, she had what she described as a vision. She thought she was in a perfectly dark place, and that there advanced towards her from a distance a body of light, which gradually surrounded and enveloped her and everything around her. As it approached, a voice seemed to say, “This is the presence of God; this is the presence of God.”

While surrounded with this presence, all the great and awful things in life seemed to pass before her, — fighting armies, wicked men, raging beasts,storms and pestilences, sin and suffering of every kind. She shrank back at first in terror, but she soon saw that the presence of God so surrounded and enveloped each one of these, that not a lion could reach out its paw, nor a bullet fly through the air, except as His presence moved out of the way to permit it.

And she saw that, let there be ever so thin a sheet, as it were, of this glorious presence between herself and the most terrible violence, not a hair of her head could be ruffled, nor anything touch her, unless the presence divided to let the evil through.

Then all the small and annoying things of life passed before her, and equally she saw that these all were so enveloped in this presence of God that not a cross look, not a harsh word, nor petty trial of any kind, could reach her unless His presence moved out of the way to let them through.

Her difficulty vanished. Her question was answered forever. God was in
everything; and to her henceforth there were no second causes. She saw that her life came to her day by day and hour by hour directly from His hand, let the agencies which should seem to control it be what they might. And never again had she found any difficulty in an abiding consent to His will and an unwavering trust in His care.

If we look at the seen things, we shall not be able to understand the secret of this.
But the children of God are called to look, “not at the things which are seen: for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

Could we but see with our bodily eyes His unseen forces surrounding us on every side, we would walk through this world in an impregnable fortress, which nothing could ever overthrow or penetrate, for “the angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them.”

~From “The Christian’s Secret Of A Happy Life” By: Hannah Whitall Smith

Read it for FREE!  Click here.

OR, if you’re like me and prefer a REAL book, buy from Amazon: Click here   (it’s CHEAP)

Sugar Free Pumpkin Cheesecake

a crustless cheesecake cooked in the crockpot

Our pumpkins did really well last year and I was able to can 10 qts. of pumpkin puree, and up until the point when our oven died, I was using it to make things like pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, and pumpkin soup.   Now I have 4 qts. left and I was looking for new and interesting ways to use it that did not involve sugar, bread, or potatoes and this is what I came up with.  It is my own creation, tasting like a creamy pumpkin pie without the crust…it is super good!  And difficult to not devour the whole thing in a single sitting! 😀


2 8 oz. packages of full fat cream cheese, brought to room temperature

1 1/4 cups of “Stevia In The Raw” (measures cup for cup like sugar)

1 1/4 cup pumpkin puree

3/4 cup thickened “greek style” yogurt, brought to room temperature

4 large eggs

1 tbsp. vanilla extract

1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp. ground allspice

1/8 tsp. ground cloves

1/4 tsp. salt

All of these ingredients mix together easiest when they are at room temperature.  So, what I did was, the night before, I took the cream cheese and the yogurt and put it in a bowl and set it out on the counter to slowly come to room temperature overnight.

crockpot with canning rings and water...no it isn't dirty, just scratched and aged with use..

Then the next day, after breakfast, I prepared the crockpot first by plugging it in and turning it on HIGH and then putting several canning rings in the bottom to act as a “rack” to set the cheesecakes on so that they’re elevated above the bottom of the crockpot, and then I added enough hot water to just cover the canning rings.

Next, I mixed everything together (using fresh “still warm from the hen” eggs) until there were no cheese or yogurt lumps left and it was creamy and fluffy.  Then I poured the batter into buttered 4 inch diameter ramekins, dividing the batter evenly amongst three total, and set them in the crockpot on top of the canning rings.  Then I added more hot water until the water level came about 2/3 of the way up the sides of the ramekins, essentially creating a “bain marie” or waterbath.

paper towels added to soak up excess moisture

Then I took  2 layers of paper towels (to soak up excess moisture) and put them on top of the crockpot and put the lid on top of that.  It’s important to let them cook for a whole 2 HOURS without removing the lid, once the paper towels get moist it’s hard to get them back into place anyways and there’s no point in replacing them just cause you wanna do a “check-up” on the progress.  After 2 hours, turn off the crockpot, remove the lid and paper towels and let sit until water is completely cooled.  Then remove from crockpot, cover and refrigerate for 24 hours before eating…or if you’re like us, sacrifice one of them because it’s intolerable to wait that long and refrigerate the other two 🙂

This turned out really really well.  I plan to use this same recipe again and adapt it to maybe a chocolate cheesecake or a vanilla one with a homemade sugar free strawberry sauce using frozen organic strawberries from the store….YUM!

Nutritional Breakdown for ONE 4 in. diameter cheesecake…which is enough for 2 adults or 1 adult and 4 kids with spoons ready to eat it right out of the dish (that was how the first one got sacrificed LOL)….788 calories, 70 grams of fat, 13 carbs,  and 25 grams of protein!

The Week After The Week Without Sugar

Things have been going about as well as can be expected considering that my “special friend” made her monthly visit this week.  It’s hard to lose weight when she is around cause she’s always trying force feed me chocolate and ice cream, but I still did pretty good considering the circumstances!  I have to admit, I did have 1 Dove Dark Chocolate Bar but I split it into thirds and ate it over the course of three days, doing it this way I was able to keep my daily carb count below 50 carbs…during my “week without sugar” my daily average carb intake hovered around 30.  I didn’t regain any of the 8 pounds that I lost and I lost one more pound (yes only one!) but I consider it a success as I have NEVER been able to lose any weight, and sometimes gain a pound or two, when she visits.

I also had brown rice twice during this week and beans too, in a bowl of homemade spicy chili.  I haven’t had any bread and I don’t desire to either.  I even made a loaf of whole wheat banana bread (sweetened with rapadura, which is whole cane sugar) for the children and had not one slice, I simply did not desire one.

I have found that the key to success with this way of eating is to FEED myself, which is the direct opposite of what we’re brainwashed to believe a diet should be like.  I was starting to understand this during my last pregnancy when I was very very careful to make sure to consume enough protein so that I would have no risk of pre-eclampsia, which was a possibility considering how close together my last two babies were.  But everything was fine, just fine.

I am learning how to eat.  Not based upon taste and craving or a “false love” created by the subconscious manipulation of the mind through advertising (for example all the people who think they love Coca-Cola, or love a Big Mac *GAG*…it’s been well over a year since I’ve had either!  hahahahaha!)  I am eating how eating is supposed to be, that is… in order to provide my body with adequate nutrition and to fuel my daily activities.  I have noticed that it is when I go too long without eating, and consequently become too hungry, that I have the desire to reach for something “carb-rich” but as long as I keep myself well-fed, meaning lotsa protein and fat!…then I have no desire for sugary carb-rich foods.  Instead I want a good steak, a grass-fed porterhouse or nice ribeye…oh-me-oh-my! *drool*   I’m taking a trip to the beef farm tomorrow and I am looking forward to sinking my teeth into some nice grilled meats for dinner tomorrow, even if it’s just a burger… medium-rare please, grilled over some nice hickory logs harvested from our woods 😀

Here is a typical menu for me….and my kids and husband pretty much eat the same way too, except they might have a sandwich (with sprouted whole wheat bread) for lunch whereas I would have a “big salad”.  They still eat things like bananas with oatmeal for breakfast, but with a couple of hardboiled eggs and a glass of raw goat’s milk too!  Or they might have mashed potatoes with plenty of cream and butter, or brown rice with plenty of butter or cheese.  But for the most part they eat a diet rich in protein and fat just the same as I do….

I usually awaken around 7 am and have a cup of coffee with now 1/4 cup heavy cream, instead of the goat’s milk that I was having during “the week without sugar”, it keeps me full for A LOT longer…pure fat and caffeine, oh yeah baby!! LOL….which enables me to get morning chores done and everyone else fed, including animals.  I don’t usually have my first real meal of the day until around NOON or 1pm.

Meal One:  almost always 3-4 eggs, depending on size, either fried and eaten with copious amounts of bacon or ham, or made into a chocolatey smoothie with thickened yogurt, coconut milk, goat’s milk and stevia…these are my two most common breakfasts.  I eat LARGE (calorie-wise it’s usually around 600-800 calories) “breakfasts”.

Meal Two (usually 4-5 hours after meal one):  A “big salad”…taco salad without tortilla chips is always a favorite, I could eat that everyday…unfortunately I have no fresh made homegrown salsa to put on it.  OR a veggie stir-fry with homegrown chicken or other meat.  Also any grilled meat or any deep fried meat…If it were spring/summer I would have whatever veggies were freshest from the garden!

If I find myself hungry and wanting a snack my favorites are: 1/2 – 1 cup of plain whole milk yogurt, celery stuffed with cream cheese, pork rinds with homemade dip, or a “meat sandwich” (2 pieces of meat as the “bread” with mayo and cheese in the middle).

Overall, I suppose my diet would seem pretty boring to most people but it’s perfect for me and I feel really good on it.  The part I like best is the ENERGY…I get up at around 7am and go to sleep around 11:30pm-MIDNIGHT and I sleep well and deep and I always awaken with plenty of energy (and hence I am MOTIVATED) to accomplish all my many daily tasks.  Moreso than losing weight, it is the ENERGY that makes me love this way of eating 😀

The toxic effects of sugar even made the news recently:  http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504763_162-57369857-10391704/sugar-should-be-regulated-like-alcohol-tobacco-commentary-says/

Now, politically speaking, I am a Libertarian and do not believe that government should be involved in regulating anything…but it is interesting to say the least…quote from article:

“Sugar meets the same criteria for regulation as alcohol, the authors wrote, because it’s unavoidable, there’s potential for abuse, it’s toxic, and it negatively impacts society. They write that sugar is added to so many processed foods that it’s everywhere, and people eat up to 500 calories per day in added sugar alone. Sugar acts on the same areas of the brain as alcohol and tobacco to encourage subsequent intake, they wrote, and it’s toxic because research shows that sugar increases disease risk from factors other than added calories, such as when it disrupts metabolism.”

sugar consumption of the average american...click to enlarge

Homemade Firestarters

When you live out in the country, as we do,  you tend to start a lot of fires.  Whether it be a campfire for cooking or roasting marshmallows, a woodstove fire for keeping warm, or a bonfire for burning brush and downed tree branches…fire is an indispensable tool!  That’s why I developed these homemade firestarters made from trash and old candles 😀

All you need to make these is a cardboard egg carton, dryer lint, and old candles…

First, you stuff each hole in the egg carton with dryer lint (the kids love to do this part).  If you’re like us and produce your own eggs and don’t have regular access to egg cartons from the store (because you don’t buy them) a good place to buy egg cartons in bulk is E-Bay…we can usually manage to get them for 25-50 cents each and we use them for storing our own homegrown eggs as well as for firestarters.

Then, you melt down old candles in a saucepan on the stovetop set to LOW.  I keep an old saucepan that I purchased for $1 from the thrift store just for the purpose of melting the wax.  That way there is no difficult messes to clean up!  We naturally use a lot of candles in our everyday living but I also keep a look out for old candles at thrift stores and yard sales.  I have found that most people seem to have a strange aversion to “used candles” so I can usually pick them up extremely cheap…I never pay more than $1 for a candle and to pay that much it better be a BIG ONE!

Next, you carefully pour the melted wax over the dryer lint in the holes “sealing” it in.  Let sit out until the wax hardens then cut them apart.  If you stuff it really full of lint each firestarter should burn for about 10 minutes…. allowing plenty of time to get a good fire going!

I typically make 10 or more dozen of these at a time and then, after cutting them apart, I store them in plastic bags in a  DRY place, like the attic.

They’ll last forever as long as you keep them dry 🙂

The Twilight Of Humanity

“Hollywood is the magician’s wand (holly=holy) which has been used to cast a spell on the unsuspecting public. Things or ideas which would otherwise be seen as bizarre, vulgar, undesirable or impossible are inserted into films in the realm of fantasy. When the viewer watches these films, his/her mind is left open to suggestion and the conditioning process begins. These same movies which are designed to program the average person, can give the discerning viewer a better understanding of the workings and the plan of the world agenda. Be-aware Predictive Programming …The power of suggestion using the media of fiction to create a desired outcome.”
~Alan Watt, Cutting through The Matrix

I believe that most people realize, on a certain level, but probably not on a conscious level, that the sole purpose of TV and movies is to program and condition the population to certain basic ideas and premises so that when the time comes to implement these ideas, having already been exposed and forced to accept it in “fantasy” they will then become a more willing accomplice in “reality”.   This is called predictive programming and just about every single piece of media from movies to video games is laced with it and if you get really good at detecting it, it becomes very easy to “see” what is going to happen.

As Christians, those who accept and believe in the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ The Son Of God (God Himself) dying in place of his wayward and fallen people so that they might have LIFE (real life as real humans, not as fallen human) and have it more abundantly as a WHOLE healed people (the body of Christ) healed by the indwelling of His Holy Spirit that replaces our heart of stone (a hard demonic/vampiric heart) with a heart of flesh (symbolic of becoming wholly human again and not divided, as clay and iron do not mix)….we understand that it is not the humans who are in charge on this planet…

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” ~Ephesians 6:12

“Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.  But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.  If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.”  ~2 Timothy 2:19-21

The Lord knows those that are HIS and they will never be lost.  But there are also those that are not his and these he knows as well.  His Own are the vessels of gold and silver, those who are not his but children of The Devil are the vessels of wood and earth, when the Holy Fire of God comes upon all of His Creation those vessels made of gold and silver shall stand and come through untouched but those made of wood and earth shall burn up and be no more.  They are “vessels unto dishonor”, fit only to hold spirits of dishonor, The Fallen Ones, and it is through these “vessels unto dishonor” that The Fallen ones operate to carry out the plans of their master, Satan.  If you are a Christian, then this should come as no surprise, if it does surprise you then maybe you should talk with your Creator a little more often cause this is just basic information right here!

Why yes, Bella, I am an angel…a fallen angel…

 Moving on…

Now, after saying all that, establishing this foundation here, I want to talk about the book and movie series called “Twilight”, it is a horrendous and insidious piece of predictive programming and I have to get my “Two Cents” in 😀

First lets talk names.  The name of the lead character in “Twilight” is Isabella.  The name meanings for “Isabella” all have to do with God.  From “consecrated to God” to “God’s promise” or “God is my oath” or “God is my vow” etc.  Every name meaning for this name has something to do with God.  I believe that it is safe to say that the meaning behind the name would show that “Bella” is meant to be a “vessel unto honor”…a follower of God, one of God’s own. The “bride” of Christ.

The name of the lead male character, the lead character’s love interest, is “Edward”, a vampire.  Edward is derived from the old english words ead (meaning “happy” or ‘prosperous’) and weard (meaning “guard”).  Guard or protector of wealth/happiness.  Yeah right!  Guardian of DEATH is what it really means!  You see, what happens is, as you read the books and watch the movies you begin to identify with Bella and so you begin to see Edward in the same way that she does and this is how you are “programmed” to accept LIES.  Bella loves him and views him as her guardian, like a guardian angel, and her key to immortality, even though to become like him, a “good vampire” 🙄 who drinks only animal blood and not human blood, she must lose her soul.  You then become programmed to more willingly accept the loss of your soul as the key to immortality and happiness.  He guards and keeps wealth/happiness and Bella must go through him (ie. become like him) in order to get wealth/happiness.  But in REALITY, loss of one’s soul = DEATH!

The name of the other lead male character, who is in love with Bella, is “Jacob”.  If you’ve read your Bible then you’ll know this one!  It means “supplanter” or “heel-grabber”.  Now this might seem strange at first but it isn’t when you know and understand the basic purpose behind this series of books/movies.  What the name “Jacob” actually means becomes apparent when you look at what he IS.  He is a “shapeshifter”, a man with the familiar spirit of the wolf, who can become a wolf.  Man as beast, or fallen/unregenerate man.  Representing fallen mankind as a whole.  In the view of the “fallen ones” those who represent the “spiritual wickedness in high places” using vessels unto dishonor to write this story, they have the RIGHT to Bella, they have the right (in their thinking) to come unto the daughters of men in order to begat their abominations.  In their mind the “natural human male”, which is what Jacob represents, is wrongfully or illegally taking their place (which is what supplanter means) when God gave women as a gift, a helper to men, NOT to the “fallen ones”. (read Genesis 6:1-8).

The story itself can also be seen as an inversion of The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb.  It is about a demon (possibly Satan himself, transformed as an angel of light) wooing The Bride Of Christ, Bella, “consecrated to God”, away from God and unto himself.  At best it just sets up a false paradigm for young teenage girls to believe, that Bella has a choice only between a demon and a man-beast (fallen man) and when young girls see this and identify with Bella they go out looking for the same thing.  It’s even more insidious when it’s the demon who is the polite, well mannered, moral one and the man-beast has a sort of “bad boy” image.  Yes, these are just wonderful potential mate/boyfriend material!! (GAG)

Bella drinking human blood to feed the growing nephilim baby within her

So, what happens?  Bella, of course, marries the demon and he impregenates her ala Genesis 6…she gives birth to a female nephilim (human/demon hybrid) whom Jacob, the unregenerate man, becomes enslaved to (they call it “imprinting” bahahahaha! whatever.)…at the end of “Breaking Dawn Part 1” we even see Jacob going to kill the abomination and then, when he sees her for the first time, bowing before her in submission and awe and reverence.  The message is clear, the Twilight of Bella’s human life is showing, in metaphor and analogy, the “Twilight of Humanity”…and with the birth of her half human/half demon child we’re “Breaking Dawn” on a whole new world.  A world made in the image of man and the fallen ones, together, they will forge a new world where there is no God.

Utter Fools, ALL.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying don’t read the books and I’m not saying don’t watch the movies.  Actually I am saying DO read the books and DO watch the movies and when you do so keep what I have said in mind and see for yourself if what I have said might have some truth to it.  We are to be wise as serpents, harmless as doves….we need to be able to see the mind control for what it is, and the folly of it all, that way it has no effect on us, that way it can be laughed off for foolishness that it is, like water off a duck’s back.  I personally watch every form of media in this light. 🙂