The Salt Has Lost It’s Savour

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
~Matthew 5:13

“Can that which is unsavoury be eaten without salt?”
~Job 6:6

Followers of Jesus are the salt of the earth…we are sprinkled throughout the planet to make it more palatable to God.  And like salt, we preserve the planet.  We kill disease (evil) in the world and prevent it from spreading.  Just like how people salt their meat to prevent rot as a way of preserving it, so too does a follower of Jesus “preserve” the earth and prevent it from “rotting”.  And Christ‘s true servants are the means by which God will preserve this entire earth!

Christ commissioned His followers to preach the Gospel to the entire world as a witness, to go to all nations carrying the truth of His way of life. It is this way of life that will bring real freedom to the entire world

But, one thing most people don’t understand about this verse is that what Jesus is saying here is not possible…salt doesn’t go bad…it cannot lose it’s savour.  Salt mines are often THOUSANDS of years old and even salt that you buy from the store will remain salty for many many many years after purchase….so, logic dictates the question “What does Jesus mean when he says …’but if the salt has lost it’s savour’?

Have you ever gotten salt in an open wound?  Stings like hell, doesn’t it?  Every person on the earth is like a walking open wound in a way, no one is healed…all are damaged in one way or another and our “wounds” are a direct result of sin…our own or someone elses.  We Christ Followers are to be as SALT in those open walking wounds, drawing out the disease (sin) and purifying the wound, helping it to heal.

“For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.  Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another.” ~Mark 9:49-50

“Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.
~Colossians 4:6

I always get so annoyed with modern day “christian” preachers who go off on this verse saying that “seasoned with salt” means that our words must taste good…like food seasoned with salt tastes good (there goes that uniquely “american” over-fascination with food again 🙄 )….when in reality what is being said here is the exact OPPOSITE.  It says “let your speech be alway with GRACE”…which is LOVE (like Charity, which is love in action) “seasoned with salt” which is the TRUTH.

Salt = TRUTH

And just like salt in an open wound…the TRUTH hurts!  But it heals..

When Jesus says “but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted?” what he is saying is if His Children lose their ability to discern truth from a lie, right from wrong…in essence, if they lose hold of HIM…who is The Way, Truth (salt) and The Light (we are also called Light…a city on a hill, a candle on a lampstand etc.) then they have lost their savour.  They no longer sting!  And if they no longer sting, if they no longer bring healing, what good are they??

I like Luke’s version of the story best, he says:

“…It is neither fit for the land, nor yet for the dunghill; but men cast it out.  He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.”
~Luke 14:35

And I daresay that this is what has happened to the mainstream “christian” church here in america…the salt has lost it’s savour and been cast out by men.  Unbelievers do not take the “church” seriously because it has lost it’s power because it does not live IN Christ THROUGH Christ AS CHRIST…it has lost it’s saltness.  Instead, like a harlot, it claims to be His Bride but in the back room it cavorts with The World to receive trinkets, money, power, position etc…..”white washed sepulchers full of dead men’s bones” that on the surface appear beautiful and good but in reality are full of DEATH.  A doubleminded man is unstable in all his ways…But I digress…

My favorite, and the most distinctive, quality of salt is that it makes people thirsty 😀

There is an old saying: “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.”

Well, this saying is not altogether true. You may not be able to force a horse to drink by pushing its head down toward the water, but you can make it thirsty enough to want to drink. A small salt tablet placed in the horse’s mouth will quickly change its mind!

In the same way, your presence is intended by God to make the people around you thirsty for the presence of God. As a spiritual seasoning in a tasteless world and as a supernatural preservative in a decaying society, you are the salt of this earth. In the words of Henry van Dyke:

“Christ chose an image that was familiar when he said to his disciples: ‘You are the salt of the earth.’ This was his conception of their mission – their influence. They were to cleanse and sweeten the world in which they lived, to keep it from decay, and to give a new and more wholesome flavor to human existence. Their characters were not to be passive, but active. There is no use in saving salt for heaven. It will not be needed there. Its mission is to permeate, season, and purify things on earth.”

Burning Salt. Another interesting salt fact: Salt melts at 1545 degrees F (800C)…it can take the heat! 😀

Homemade Citrus Cleaner

I saw this idea on Pinterest a couple of months ago….and I the moment I saw it I knew I had to try it!  I use A LOT of lemons…every time I drink water or tea it has lemon in it.  I LOVE lemon!

But one thing I didn’t love was lemon peels…they take forever to compost, even if you chop em’ up tiny…and none of the animals readily eat them, oh the chickens will…but only if you cut them up tiny.  And so there was always all these spent lemon peels from my lemon water/lemon tea habit…and so I would cut them up tiny, sometimes….and feed them to the chickens, but mostly I would just throw them away…

So I saw this idea where you take orange peels and fill a jar with them and then pour in white vinegar and let steep for a few weeks to get the citrus oils out of the peels and then filter it through a very fine filter into a spray bottle and then you have a citrus cleaner with natural citrus oils in it…

I have been cleaning my house with a white vinegar/water solution for years, so this was PERFECT.

I simply kept a mason jar on the counter and would throw in my spent lemon peels as I used them, filling with a bit of vinegar each time to keep things from rotting.  Once the jar was filled to the top with peels I topped it off with vinegar and let it sit for about 3 weeks.  I also made one with orange peels too.

After 3 weeks I filtered the vinegar through a reusable coffee filter to get out every tiny solid so that it didn’t mess up the sprayer of my spray bottle…the lemon vinegar smelled like LEMON, not hint of vinegar smell and the orange vinegar smelled like ORANGE…again, not a single hint of vinegar smell.  So I combined the two of them in one bottle to create a citrus cleaner, which I now use full strength for cleaning things like kitchen counters and the bathroom vanity.

Smells great, cleans good, and uses up those pesky lemon peels!  Can’t get much thriftier than that 😀

Around The Homestead: Spring 2012

I got a new plant for my birthday…I think it’s soooooo pretty…

…it’s called “Fuscia”..

The garden is doing wonderful! Everything is in bloom around here…this is an azalea flower with a butterfly and a bee on it 🙂

my fava bean plants…first time growing them this year, they are doing very well (excuse the weeds!) …

fava beans have black and white flowers…I think they looks so neat and unusual 🙂

here’s a Virginia Gold Tobacco Plant…our first year growing tobacco, we’ve got 6 plants so far…

pea flowers of a dutch type called “Blue Podded Blauschockers” (I think I spelled that right lol)

…it has two different colors of flowers, pink/purple type and a more bluish/purple type…

bluish/black pods starting to form 😀

the view from our back porch…I so LOVE living on the edge of the woods!

the view from the bridge that runs over the creek, that’s the goat shed in the distance and if you look carefully on the tree branches overhanging the creek you’ll see little peaches starting to form…

woods with “God Rays” (at least that’s what I like to call ’em!) hehehehe..

more woods


creekside, from the bridge…my favorite side 😉

our newest kid…she’s starting to get her horns now, we finally decided on a name for her…”Lacey” 😀

my favorite of the kittens…we call her “Kitty Exceptional” named after her grandmother “Kitty Awesome” who ran off and left us with her son “Mafufiham” who is “Kitty Exceptional’s” father…

a pile of sleeping kittens with “Kitty Exceptional” being the only one awake…

another kitten, a big ol’ fluffy boy named “Fufimo”…a combination of his father’s name (Mafufiham) and his mother’s (Gizmo)

the “school center” Nathan built about 6 months ago…

we FINALLY got around to adding some shelves to house all our school books…I just LOVE the way it turned out!

…here’s a pic of what that same area looked like 1 week after we moved into this place (about 2 1/2 years ago)…Nathan created a similiar but BIGGER “built-in” in the kitchen and the wheat grinder is out there now….next on the agenda?? An 8 ft. tall floor to ceiling BOOKCASE!

Almost 2 year old Charity (or as well like to call her “The Chari-Tot”…as in toddler)…all wet from playing in the sprinkler. I recently bought her a new pair of shorts with 6 big ol’ buttons on them, and she so totally LOVES those buttons, she can’t quite say the word “button”, but she’s so infatuated with them that she walks around all day pointing at them saying “Look at my buts…look at my buts…” cracks me up everytime 😀

Where in I ramble…

May 11th was my 29th birthday and so I took the rest of the week off from blogging…and now I’m at the beginning of a new week, but I don’t know what that means…

I remember a time long long ago (was it even the same lifetime??) where Mondays were apart of a deep burning ancient hatred…having to get back to school or work after the fun and freedom of the weekend…but now?  Now it’s just a day, just another day.  I’m not forced to go anywhere I don’t wanna go or do anything I don’t wanna to do or pretend I like people that I don’t like just for the sake of getting along…

Besides the obvious, that is, getting to raise and teach my own children, this fact that I have no boss but me and no rules except those that I myself make…THAT is one of the things that I love most about being a stay at home mom 😀

June 12th, nearly exactly one month away, will be my 10th Wedding Anniversary…I can not believe I have been married 10 YEARS!  And for the most part life is sweet…

I am exactly where I want to be in life 🙂  There is nothing that I can complain about…except for maybe the chilly rainy weather this morning, which is kind of a bummer I guess….but I have no serious complaints, none at all.

I always knew that I would get here.

At 16 years of age I was in public school, laying with my head on the desk near the back of the class, pretending to be asleep…but not really, what I was really doing was planning my escape…hehehe.  Escape from the horrifying reality that surrounded me in that building, in that state (MARYLAND…hell on earth.) in that life!  Contemplating in my mind of ALL that I would do differently, different from everyone around me, once I became an adult…

First and foremost, I KNEW that I would live in the country…whether or not I ever married…I knew this to be true, that I would live close to the land, off the fat of the land.  It’s ingrained within me, as much apart of me as my very breath…through the land you remain FREE.

The more you care for the land, the more the land cares for you…it’s our provision and protection.  All the world’s ills stem from an inherent failure within humankind to properly care for the land and each other…it’s a sickness, this innate human need to destroy…even in love, in an attempt to love others we destroy them because we want them to be just like us, or as we imagine them to be in our mind… and we think that’s love…

I never ever thought I would get married at age 19.  I have never been that type of person, not the romantic silly girly kind of girl that they always portray in the movies as being the girl who gets married right out of high school…but that’s just the movies, just a stereotype and stereotypes are NOT REAL.  

I always feel like I must remind people of this, that the life experience they think they have, that most of what they think they know, that most of what they accept as real…is just a fake image full of lies flickering through electronic brilliance to mesmerize the eyes and hypnotize the brain….humans have this amazing flaw in that we believe everything we see, and if we see it we think it was WE who did it.  Why else would four grown men jump up in unison cheering and high-five-ing  each other because they saw a ball be caught after being thrown past a certain line??  It makes no sense.  But they have a vested interest, they want to be that man they see there on the brilliant flickering screen…and to a certain extent they believe they are him…why else would they cheer?

It’s been a little over three years since we got rid of cable…best thing we ever did!  Looking back, I cannot believe how much time was wasted in front of that thing…it makes me angry.  And I know that I didn’t even watch TV nearly as much as a lot of other people!  I look at my nearly 2 year old daughter and my 10 month old son and I swell with happiness when I realize that their little minds have never had to behold the evil that is a television commercial…it’s at those times that I feel proud.  Proud that my children are receiving a better life than I did… now don’t get me wrong, don’t misunderstand, I didn’t grow up with a horrible life according to mainstream standards.  Living a cushy middle class existence is not horrible according to the standards of materialism and comfort…but it IS horrible when looked at from the position of The Soul, when your only real concern in life…the only thing you really care about, is becoming the type of person that God created you to be.

EVERYTHING then becomes a hindrance to that type of growth…

oh no! please, anything but that! 🙄

I have always prayed “Lord I believe, help thou my unbelief!”….Lord, you know, help my not knowing so that I might know too….Lord, Your Way is the only RIGHT way but I can’t see which way it is, everything clouds my thinking, it’s all so loud and so bright, put my feet on The Path so that I might have a chance to make my journey home…..Lord, I don’t know which way to go and I know I’ve lost something but I can’t remember what it was but it makes me really sad please just don’t let me fall off The Path okay??  I need to get back to you….

All through my life, over and over, different words…same prayer…this place SUCKS Father, I wanna go home, but I can’t find The Path please don’t let me fall and keep me on The Path….DO whatever it is that you have to do to keep me on That Path!  My heart, my soul’s cry from the moment I came into this world…the plea never far from my lips, as natural and as unconscious as breathing…

And HE has been faithful, He has been SO FAITHFUL…beyond my wildest dreams FAITHFUL…I cannot even begin to express, and still…despite all that he has done for me and all that he has given me, I still just wanna go home… ((and no I am not suicidal, such thoughts are not even possible for me…so, don’t worry about that…that’s not what I am saying))

It’s a beautiful world that he has created, but the world that we created beings have built upon it is like a parasite…a leech…a vampire…there is a RIGHT way (HIS WAY) to live upon the earth and this world that we have built is the EXACT opposite of that…and I can’t wait for it all to crumble, to be nothing but a heap of ruins…from dust to dust, I take solace in these words:

“Go to now, ye that say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. ” ~James 4:13-14

Cheap Effective Natural Deodorant

About 3 weeks ago I was digging in the garden in the sunshine and it was about 80F and I was sweating and thinking and digging and sweating some more….and I took a break from digging and I was standing in the shade drinking a big glass of iced green tea and I was standing there in my own sweat and stink and all of the sudden it came to me…COCONUT OIL!!

Most of my best ideas usually come to me in this way, just out of the blue, especially while I am doing something mundane and repetitive like digging …”use coconut oil for deodorant” is what my mind said.

And I was like “DUH! that makes PERFECT sense!” 😀

The stink of the armpit is caused by an overgrowth of bad bacteria that like the warm, moist, dark conditions of the underarm.  Regular deodorant uses things like aluminum and other chemicals to repress sweating and stench, but sweating is a natural bodily process that rids it of toxins…you want to allow for the sweating while eliminating the stench.  The high saturated fat count along with it’s medium and short chain fatty acids gives coconut oil unique anti-microbial properties, as well as being a natural skin conditioner.

So, with this in mind I finished up my last bit of digging and went inside and took a quick “rinse off” shower before Samuel awoke from his nap.  After my shower, instead of applying the natural “crystal” deodorant that I usually use I rubbed a tiny bit of coconut oil into my armpits and then got back to the busyness of life and forgot all about it….until the next day, and I remembered it and smelled my armpits and there was absolutely no smell at all…and I was like “COOL!” and so I had Nathan smell me, just to be sure cause sometimes it can be difficult to smell yourself and he said “nope you don’t stink” and I was very excited.  Yes, I am weird like that…I get excited over the littlest, strangest things…

And so I melted down about 4 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil (it remains solid at temps lower that 76F) over very low heat on my stove top’s “warming zone”…you could use the oven too…DO NOT use the microwave!  (THROW IT OUT!  It’s killing you, seriously…don’t believe me??  Here’s a good article: …. we threw ours out years ago…)  After it was melted down I then mixed in about 20 drops of lavender essential oil, which also has known anti0microbial effects…and it smells good too!  I love the smell of lavender 🙂

And I have been using it ever since, and all you need is a little tiny bit…I just dip in the tip of my finger and rub in a very small amount…not too much cause you want it to soak in quickly so that no residual oil gets on your clothing.  Not only does it successfully keep the stink away but it’s also great for soothing the armpit skin after shaving…my pits smell and look great!  hahahahahahaha! 😉

For We Wrestle Not Against Flesh And Blood

From reading The Bible we know that Satan controls all the kingdoms of the earth…he controlled them when he tempted Jesus with them…and he controls them still…ALL of them.

And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. (this phrase “moment of time” means he offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world for ALL TIME…from that moment back to the past and forward into the future…Satan owns it all and offered that power to Jesus.)
And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. (Luke 4:5-7)

Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6:12 that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

In 2 Timothy 2:19-21 we are further shown that all of humanity is like vessels, containers…vessels made to hold something

Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. (of course he does!  he made ALL of the vessels)

Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.
If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.

Depart from iniquity…purge yourself from these?? Become a vessel unto honor…

You are but a vessel, a vessel unto dishonor, made of wood and earth which so easily burns up under the power that is the All-Consuming Fire of God… made to hold spirits of dishonor (the fallen angels) OR a vessel unto honor, made of gold and silver which is not burned up but refined when put under the power that is the All-Consuming Fire of God…  made to hold THE ONLY HONORABLE SPIRIT…The Holy Spirit Of God.

Either way, you’re gonna serve somebody.

If you have not The Holy Spirit Of God then by default you are used as a tool of the spirits of dishonor…the fallen ones.  There is no “in between”…you cannot serve yourself, that is simply a delusion, a deception…sweet nothings that the spirits of dishonor whisper into your ear to keep you in slavery…if you serve not your Creator then you will serve The Created…the fallen ones are far more powerful than you are alone.

The fallen angels know this and they hate you, they seethe with hatred toward you, toward anything that is human.  The kingdoms of man upon this earth, controlled by Satan, are nothing more than systems of slavery created and maintained by them to keep you down and “in check”, controlled by the spirits of dishonor (the fallen ones).

It is not against flesh and blood that we fight but against the fallen ones working through the vessels of dishonor.   And if you have not The Holy Spirit Of God, you can potentially be used as a vessel through which the fallen ones can operate.  Giving your life over to Jesus, becoming his vessel through which His Spirit operates is your only protection against the fallen ones.

Like I said before, the fallen ones hate you, they hate all of humanity…they love to mock and deride humanity…and they do this openly, they do not hide it…they have ingrained it into your mind through “the media”, through Hollywood and television…that which is deemed “fashionable” or “trendy”.

Here are just a few of the things that I have observed:

Shorn Hair – 1 Corinthians 11:15 states that a woman’s hair is her glory and that if she have long hair it is a glory unto her.  In times past, long hair on women was considered a thing of beauty…back in the day, when a woman’s civilization was at war and the people taken captive as slaves they would often cut off all her hair…stripping her of her “glory”…meant to demean and debase her.  The same was done for women caught in the act of adultery or harlotry…but today, it’s “trendy” and  “fashionable” to chop off all your hair.  It shouldn’t be surprising that an act that was at one time meant to demean a woman is now what makes her fashionable…that’s exactly how they operate.

Malnourished, too skinny – Fat, dietary fat, especially saturated fat, in the diet is what gives the body strength and resilience.  Fat feeds the neurons of the brain, most of which play a large part in one’s abilities of spiritual discernment.  This is the real reason that fat is demonized and people, especially women, are admonished to not consume it….but rather, consume a vegetarian or vegan diet which naturally weakens one’s immune system and ability to discern evil from good…because sickly people just don’t care, it’s hard to care about anything when you are sick…and therefore you become easier to control.  You don’t become more “spiritual” when you eat less meat and fat, as some purport, but rather your “spiritual guard” (discernment) is weakened, making you a more fit vessel to be deceived into being indwelt by the fallen ones…this is the real reason a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle is promoted by mainstream medicine.  God’s Holy Spirit can indwell and work through you no matter what diet you eat…but eating a diet containing sufficient amounts of healthy protein and fat will strengthen your “spiritual fortress” better enabling you to defend yourself against the lies of the fallen ones…their number one weapon is deception.  Eating very little fat/protein/calories and starving oneself in the name of “beauty” also impairs a woman’s ability to conceive and bear children, that which makes her most unique…that which God created her body to do, the most creative act a person on this earth can be involved in…and it’s taken away through the promotion of “super-skinny” body sizes in hollywood and the media (because a women needs a certain amount of body fat, depended upon her genetics and race, to ovulate and successfully “grow” a baby)…again, that which is most unhealthy, the opposite of good, is deemed “fashionable”…and people just unquestioningly go along…

Piercings and tattooes – Humans are made in the image and likeness of God, so anything that mars the image will be exactly what the fallen ones promote via the media, hollywood, the music industry etc.  Back in the day, before we entered the “brainwashed age”…it was slaves that were most often pierced and tattooed or branded with the name of their owner or family seal/crest.  In a lot of cultures around the world it is promoted as a thing of “beauty” because at it’s heart it is a sign of slavery…and, just like America, other cultures around the world are nothing more than other systems of slavery and control foisted upon the people to keep them distracted, divided, and asleep as to what reality actually is….that they are slaves.  We also see this in fashion with the wearing of a famous designer’s “brand” name…often his/her own actual name…they have “branded” their followers, their slaves…saying “this is my property”…just like a farmer brands his cattle 🙄

Prostituting oneself – Reality TV shows really helped to make this a reality.  Not only has TV dumbed us down and made us fat and lazy, we are brainwashed to believe that it is perfectly acceptable and normal to do anything for fame and celebrity.  Like a miniature poodle jumping through hoops for the entertainment of it’s master, people get in front of that camera willing to do anything for their 15 seconds of fame…shows like “American Idol” (the name says it all!) where human dignity and integrity just fly right out the window….and for what??!

These are just a few examples.  If I bothered to think harder on it, I am sure that I could come up with many many more….actually I KNOW I could! It’s all around you, it’s everywhere and in everything…screaming at you all day long…YOU ARE A SLAVE!  I’m not saying this stuff is sin, I am not saying “don’t do this stuff” ( I am NOT condemning you, I DON’T CARE what you do…I am not responsible for you..)I am merely just pointing out the roots…where it comes from and why it is promoted…because once you see The System for what it is…really. truly. SEE IT….you either embrace and love your servitude OR it becomes entirely abhorrent and leaving it behind becomes all too easy…

Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the Lord. ((this phrase “the gods which your fathers served” is in reference to the fallen ones…the fallen angels…they are the other “gods” and there are many religions and cultures built in devotion to them…it’s been this way since the dawn of time…their kingdoms reached a pinnacle of evil that God smashed down with the flood and it is reaching this same pinnacle again…this is what is meant by the phrase “as in the days of Noe were”)) And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:14-15)