Homestead Diet Day Six

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Okay okay I know I said I would have some yummy food things to share today, but things didn’t really go as planned yesterday (do they ever??) and I got caught up in working outside in the delicious 65 degree weather instead of stuck inside the house cooking and preparing food. (I made a HUGE batch of crockpot chili in the A.M., for the family, which cooked all day long while I worked).

I repaired and re-posted the fence on one of our garden plots that got flattened by extreme wet heavy snow that we got in March and I also cleared out brush (damn mulitflora rose invaders, the bane of my existence! 😡 ) that were trying to take over my apple tree saplings.  I mulched the strawberry plants with wasted goat hay (they waste SO MUCH hay!) and planted more radishes, and more lettuce, and cleared out the back garden plot to prepare for more peas and to plant my first plot of snap beans for the year…and ALL of that work took up the majority of my day!  But it sure was fun! 😀

Here is what I ate:

Another “green smoothie” for breakfast (we’ve used up about half of our 10 POUNDS of spinach so far..)

Radishes, spring onions and goat cheese and iced green tea for lunch

And a HUGE spinach salad with fixin’s and herbs from the garden along with 3 hard boiled eggs for dinner and a big glass of RAW goat’s milk

Sorry to cut this short again, but there is much to be done and I’ve got not much to say right now.  I’ve been completely satisfied with my diet thus far and not even been very hungry, except for after doing a lot of hard work and then I am famished …and that’s when spinach never tasted SO GOOD lol

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