A Vision Shared

It’s not just because of inadequate nutrition that the average person’s health is so poor and their bodies disease ridden, but it is also because of the average person’s refusal to do HARD work. Most people work at a desk job and rely on cars for most of their transportation. Rarely do people walk to places or work in very physical jobs, the job of a housewife is a breeze compared to what our foremother’s endured.

When the body moves, not only does it burn calories but it goes through a detoxification process. The blood and lymph fluids moves faster, glands sweat out impurities, the muscles release stored impurities, fat is burned and the toxins stored in the fat are released and every cell becomes oxygenated (OXYGEN=LIFE). Cells are more likely to become cancerous when they don’t recieve enough oxygen.

One hundred years ago (a very short span of time in the scope of history) it was not uncommon for the average person to require 3,000-4,000 calories to complete his everyday work. The human body has 650 different muscles, the body is MADE for motion and is best maintained by motion. It’s very simple, if you don’t use it you’ll lose it!

It is often the high caloric foods (like meat and raw dairy products) that contain most of what the body needs, more proof that the body is made for motion. It is only by regular physical activity that the body can ingest these high calorie, nutrient-dense foods and not gain weight. Vegetables and fruit serve a place, the body often uses them to detox and to keep the GI tract running smoothly. But to require the body to live off these alone (or to live off processed factory produced foods with ZERO nutrition) makes the body age faster and often results in mental problems like depression or extreme irritability.

I often like to relate food groups to building materials…the body, when properly cared for, is a strong and mighty fortress.  God don’t make no junk 🙂 The stone and mortar of this mighty fortress is protein and fats, they are what keeps it built up and well maintained. Most bodily functions rely on amino acids, found in whole form only in protein (and in grains, in an incomplete form), to carry out the complex chemical processes needed to maintain the fortress. When these aren’t available, the body will use its small amount stored in the muscles and once that runs out the fortress starts to suffer wear and tear, crumbling and disease.

Fat is the mortar that keeps everything together, our cells NEED fat (especially saturated fats) to maintain fluid cellular walls to allow for the passage of nutrients from the bloodstream to the cell. Trans fats do the opposite, they actually harden cellular walls (vegetable fats, polyunsaturated oils, also do this) and it’s trans fats not saturated fats that are the main cause of heart disease and cancer, America’s two biggest killers. Saturated fat is also the preferred fat of the brain and heart, the brain is made almost entirely of saturated fat, and so is the cartilage of our joints.

In conclusion, the body is made to work hard, play hard and eat hearty! And in the greater scheme of things it just makes sense, a loving God wouldn’t curse us with toil and hard work without giving us the means by which we can carry it out. He gave us bodies that LOVE to MOVE, that are IMPROVED through movement and use. Despite our fallen state, the original plan has not changed. God’s best for man is to LIVE in and WORK in creation, not separated from it in jungle of concrete and steel. To care for, keep, tend to and have dominion over it; and when we do this God, through His creation, will provide for us.

For example, you have some land, you tear up the sod, till the soil and strengthen it with compost. You plant your seeds in a sunny area and water them and they grow. You care for the plants, you carefully weed around them and keep them free of pests. You watch over your little plot of land, you turn it from plain wilderness into a garden; you give the land order, beauty and purpose.

In one season, you are rewarded with healthful life-giving food, you use this food to feed yourself, your family and your livestock. Your livestock in turn give you delicious eggs, milk, and meat which sustains you and your family so you can continue to work in God’s creation and care for the land. The harder you work, the more you will receive. Not only are you directly sustaining yourself and your family by the work of your own hand, you also reap the benefits of humility and patience which comes only by way of hard, honest work.

The more I study this simple way of life, the more I see how everything is connected to everything else and that it is all contained there in Genesis, in God‘s original plan for mankind. Here’s another example, you could start out with a plot of land and two healthy cows, non-genetically manipulated and produced through natural breeding, who feed on fertile green pastures (after you clear the land and plant the pasture grasses) and produce delicious high-fat milk. They are cheerfully milked by you and your family and you use the cow manure to increase the fertility of your fields and orchards. You also get chickens who run around turning over cow paddies and eating bugs to produce nutrient-rich eggs.

The cows give birth to calves every year and soon you have a herd of 30 cows, all producing delicious healthy milk. You slaughter the male calves for veal or beef , you make naturally yellow butter from the cream, and you make delicious cheese. You feed the whey and skim milk to a small herd of hogs who thoughtfully turn it into bacon and lard for cooking. You also make lacto-fermented drinks from the fruit of your orchard, and pickles and chutneys from your garden produce. You may even have honey from keeping bees, who will also better pollinate your gardens. You could even have real maple syrup made from the sugar maples found in the woods on your property.

And you would HAVE to have sheep, if not for the wool, then for the constant reminder of how we are “like sheep” and of what the Good Shepherd has done for us. What better way to understand Jesus, than to have a taste of what it’s like to be a real shepherd 🙂

Of course, you end up producing more than your family needs (as often is the case when God is giving the increase) and so you sell the extra at your farm store or start a Farmshare program to help the poor and needy in your community.  Or you could start your own program where the local “troubled” youths could come help out on your farm and be ministered to. Or you could have teaching classes where you teach others self-sufficiency skills, gardening and animal husbandry. If you have enough land, you could maybe run your own gun range even.

There is unlimited potential here, and the ability to do some real good. Not only on a health level but on all levels. Your children benefit greatly, because they are raised on whole REAL food they grow properly and their brains get wired properly and they suffer very little sickness. They are inquisitive and curious and a joy to teach. Through your example they also learn the joy of hard work, they end up being one of the few of their generation who develops a work ethic. Their scope and understanding of God’s creation (and therefore their understanding of God) is expanded because they are in His creation on a daily basis.

When they read Jesus saying “Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone” They can sit on the ground and put in a seed and cover it and pat it down, “but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.” The seed, buried and dead in a very real sense…almost forgotten about …but then, by water and the warmth of the sun (SON?) sprouts appear and push forth towards the sun (SON?). And the plant gets stronger and bigger, and they can watch day by day, week by week and begin to feel the reality of what Jesus said…that by the death of one grain life is given to many (a picture of Jesus Christ).

“He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.” There is great simplicity and yet complicated depth here, to come to a point where we want to die to self, to lose our lives and give God the control, the process is more vivid for the person who is living in the seed-plant-fruit-harvest cycle. That this choice of death to oneself is not half-hearted , the seed is truly dead and gone, but it’s death was replaced by something so much greater than itself, something the seed could not do on it’s own had it chose to live. Not that it had a choice, and if we wish to call ourselves Christians, we don’t have a choice either.

Your children and your extended family and those who know you, watch you and learn and see what true freedom in Christ is like. You answer to no boss (other than Jesus), all your needs are met, you have good health, you aren’t wasting 3 hours a day in rush hour traffic, you aren’t a slave to debt, you have happy children who actually LIKE being with you, and you yourself actually have TRUE JOY. And you have TIME, time to teach and show others that life doesn’t have to be so hard, and that God in all His love and mercy, through His Word, has shown us the best path to take.

(first written and published on my blog December 2006)

Egg and Cheese Pancakes

This is my adaptation of the recipe for egg and cheese pancakes found in the book Homo Optimus.  I make these for breakfast, the kids eat them with butter and a drizzle of maple syrup, I like them with butter and a sprinkling of Stevia in The Raw to give them a bit of sweetness. I also refrigerate them and use them as a bread replacement for sandwiches, taking two pancakes and smearing them with butter or homemade mayo and adding meat or cheese and thin slices of cucumber or tomato or red bell pepper or onion or lettuce from the garden…an easy, simple, tasty snack…2 or 3 of these sandwiches would make a good meal :grin:.

The recipe:

8 oz. softened, room temperature, cream cheese (you can use store-bought or if you have your own fresh milk source, like we do, you can make you own using a recipe like this or like this.)

8 eggs, divided (from our hens, of course)

1/4 cup unbleached all purpose flour (the original recipe called for 5 tbsp. .  but I lowered it to 1/4 cup, which is 4 tbsp, with no issue. . . this acts as a binder, adding a negligible amount of carbs, and it is preferable that white flour be used over whole wheat in this instance because it will not be fermented to neutralize phytic acid and other enzyme inhibitors that can wreak havoc with our digestive and immune systems…most of these “anti-nutrients” are found in the bran and germ of the wheat kernel.)

1/4 tsp. baking powder

1/4 tsp. real sea salt

First remove the cream cheese from the fridge and set out and allow to come to room temperature, this may take as long as 12 hours (don’t use the microwave!), it is very important that it be allowed to soften though, if you don’t then you’ll end up with lumps of cream cheese throughout your batter.  Separate the eggs, put the yolks in a big bowl and sift in the flour and baking powder, add the salt and softened cream cheese and beat until batter is smooth and creamy.  Next take your egg whites and beat them just until stiff peaks form and gently fold the egg whites into the batter.  Cook on a griddle (cast iron makes the best pancakes imho) greased with butter or coconut oil, just like you would regular pancakes, using 1/8 cup of batter per pancake.  Makes about 40 small pancakes.

Nutritional Analysis Per Pancake (using 1/8 cup batter per pancake):

Calories: 37

Protein: 1.75g

Fat: 3g (1.5g saturated fat)

Carbohydrate: .825g

The Optimal Diet


Back in 2007, I came across “The Optimal Diet” developed in Poland by Dr. Jan Kwasniewski in the 1970s.  I have always been interested in food, and nutrition, and eating…for as long as I can remember…and I found the premise of his diet, and his success in treating certain diseases considered “incurable”,  such as Asthma, Diabetes, Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis, to be very intriguing.

In his book “Homo Optimus“, ( which you can download a .pdf version of for free, just click the link!)  —-

((or You can also visit his website, it’s in polish, but you can visit it through Google Translate at this link: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sl=pl&tl=en&u=http://dr-kwasniewski.pl/&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com — ))

He explains that the ratio of protein, fat, and carbohydrate in the diet should be the same as nature’s most perfect food…human breast milk!  Which he states in his book to be as follows: for every 1 gram of protein you consume between 2.5 and 3.5 grams of fat (protein and fat should preferably be from grass fed/pastured/free range animal sources..ie. eggs from free range hens, raw milk, grass fed beef…the quality of meat and fat is of UPMOST importance!) and .5 – .8 grams of carbohydrate (mostly from vegetables including potatoes, but NOT grains or seeds which I are high in enzyme inhibitors such as phytic acid and according to Dr. Jan Kwasniewski are ruminant animal food and NOT fit for human consumption…more about that later..) …which comes out to about 13% protein, 77-82% fat, and 7%-10% carbohydrate.

Dr. Jan Kwasniewski is a Christian and talks about God and Original Sin and the diet of the Israeli Priests, being made up of mostly fat, as being quite similar to his Optimal Diet:

Humankind needs knowledge, truth and wisdom. Most people, including those with the best education, do not suspect the existence of a blueprint for proper nourishment of the human body, nourishment which underlines the correct functioning of the brain, nourishment which causes one to stop following beliefs and opinions but instead enables one to gain and follow knowledge. Thus, one stops using the words “I think”, “I believe” and “I reckon”, but instead simply states,”I know”.

Original Sin, took away human wisdom, almost without exception. Consequently, human life was shortened, the human body underwent pathological changes, distortions in the functioning of the human brain developed, and in effect humans were unable to distinguish between good and bad. In order to make such a simple recognition – one has to appreciate that there is a blueprint for nourishment which guarantees healthy functioning of the brain – one has to follow this blueprint…

Original Sin lead to a departure from the blueprint for the nourishment (as passed onto humans from God), the best example being an apple – the symbol of food most unsuitable for human consumption, chosen precisely, based on the scientific knowledge unavailable to man at the time. Incredibly, we can readjust our nutrition in a single day.  With the help of today’s science we are able to recreate the type of nutrition developed by God for humans. At the same time, we can identify and eliminate from our food all the products forbidden by God.  My model of optimal nutrition closely resembles the type of nourishment designed by God for humankind. In this diet all the products which are responsible for the negative changes in the human biology are eliminated.

If one could ask a thousand people what they lack in their life, almost none of them would be prepared to admit that they lack wisdom.  They won’t admit it, because they do not realise that pain, diseases, fear and aggression result from the errant function of the brain which can only be changed by correct nourishment. A few thousand years ago human brains were incredibly effective, for instance the brains of the authors of the Bible…

The Bible can not be fully comprehended if the brain is not functioning properly and that is why one has to nourish the body like those who had originally written this most remarkable of works. Therefore, one has to follow the method of nutrition as used by the Israeli priests – the optimal diet. “When those first few of the humankind stopped following directives of God (Original Sin) they lost their perfection. As a result their descendants became similar to their parents – they became imperfect. Thus, everyone thereafter is born imperfect, becomes ill, and gets old. Disregard for the directives of God opened the gates for human insanity. Therefore, human history is characterised by suffering, sadness, fear, disease and death” – so says the Psalm.

All “sins” committed by humankind during its chronicled and unchronicled history, as well as those being presently committed, are the direct result of changes in the biology of the human body, but most importantly in the structure, the supply of energy to, and the functioning of the human brain. The Bible mentions seven times without hiding it behind any code – “the recipe for life” – as prescribed for the Israeli priests: “all fat, liver, kidneys and a little bit of meat from the shoulder”. No ham!  At that time, a good butcher was able to dissect out all of the lymphatic system which accumulates hormones, sex hormones, and other steroids. After all, priests would not allow themselves to be contaminated with hormones. The Prophet Isaiah described all the necessary conditions for the appearance of the one who would resolve all of the problems of humankind and erase the consequences of Original Sin. Isaiah said: “he will eat shepherd’s food”.

A shepherd’s diet guarantees correct brain function, but that is not enough: one has to gain knowledge. But what knowledge? Exactly! How to distinguish the good from the bad which in Hebrew is represented by the synonym “to know all”.  Now, those two pre-requisites negate each other since a shepherd’s son’s diet would have changed when he went to school. This clearly would jeopardise his ability to find the key to enlightenment.

I found this to be all very intriguing.  “Shepherd’s Food” would consist mostly of meat, the meat of old animals and the meat of young animals when there are too many and the herd must be culled, including the organ meats and broth made from the bones, also milk from the animals that the shepherd cared for…whether that be milk of sheep, goat or cattle. Along with meat and milk you would have wild foraged vegetables and fruits, and possibly eggs stolen from the nests of wild birds.

But on a farm you can do it even better!  You care for The Land in order to grow food mainly for the animals, which you then eat and tan their skins into leather to use as clothing.  Ideally, this would involve caring for The Land first and foremost, especially proper land management to increase and improve the quality of pasture for your animals.  Your animals would spend most of the Spring, Summer and Early Fall months eating a variety of pasture grasses and brush and supplying you with milk and cream and cheese, and meat and eggs (if we’re talking chickens or ducks), especially when they give birth in the Springtime and there is always inevitably too many young.  Through culling the young to your desired specifications for your own specific herd or flock, over time each farmer would develop his own breed, or multiple breeds even, this is how some of our best breeds of animals came into existence.

The Buff Orpington Chicken of Orpington, England is a great example of this.  A farmer named William Cook created the breed in 1886 by crossing Minorcas, Langshans, and Plymouth Rocks to create a new hybrid bird that is now one of the most beloved chicken breeds in the world!  I’m in the process of creating my own goat breed by crossing LaMancha, Saanen, and Swiss Alpine goats..with great success so far!  My Rosie’s daughter Lacey is the product of my experiment thus far, pure white like a Saanen with the LaMancha ears and the hardy sturdy stalwart body of a Swiss Alpine, but smaller than a Saanen.  Anyone can do this, for it is the right and proper “God Given” occupation of mankind to care for The Land and The Animals and through that be fed and clothed (And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. ~1 Timothy 6:8), then all one need do is build a shelter for their family and a barn for their livestock and they are set! 😀

During the growing season the farmer would also spend his time growing food, probably a variety or two of grain along with a variety of root crops to be put aside (along with hay cut from his fields as well) as food for the animals to eat during the cold winter months when there is no green growing thing  for them to eat.  The farmer may or may not eat of this grain himself during the cold winter months, it would not be ideal for him to do so, but instead he would cull the herd one last time in Fall to rid it of animals too old or sickly to make it through Winter along with those animals that he simply intended to fatten up for meat, that meat would then be ground and lacto-fermented into sausages or hung as whole pieces in a smokehouse to preserve it as the main food supply through winter.  Organ meats like livers and kidneys made into pates or scrapple and bones covered with salt and smoked and preserved to be made into healthful delicious broth in the wintertime.  Also, the family would have a variety of cheeses which they diligently made all summer long from the over-abundance of milk from their herd and they would preserve vegetables and herbs from the “kitchen garden” as opposed to the grains and fibrous root crops grown mainly for the animals to eat.

Dr. Jan Kwasniewski also had a a lot to say about humans “on the pastures”, as he put it, speaking of vegetarianism:

Every diet based on plant material is an artificial diet. Even the traditional Japanese diet, which 1 believe to be the only reasonable alternative to the optimal diet, is artificial, since in it the organism obtains most of its energy from carbohydrates, and its protein from fish. Nature proves that this type of nutrition is not natural. For instance, would the hippopotamus first eat a lot of grass, and then try to catch a few fish?

Unfortunately the Japanese diet, assuming the consumption for each gram of protein is 3.2 g of carbohydrates and 0.65 g of fat, does not protect against all diseases, for instance cancers. The Japanese diet is unable to cover the needs of issues in 100 percent of cases, especially those with poor circulation. Brain haemorrhages, so common in the Japanese, occur because of the hardening of brain arteries.  However, this hardening has nothing in common with atherosclerosis, since the carbohydrates contained in Japanese food are burned with the help of a large quantity of proteins, vitamins, and minerals, which are delivered from fish, especially fatless ones. In that case, the carbohydrates are not converted into fat and cholesterol. During the burning of animal fats there is no need for such large quantities of protein, vitamins and minerals.

I will cite the opinion of Friedrich Engels. He wrote: “Wheat, which in the beginning was cultivated exclusively for animal fodder, soon became food for the people. Thus, human animals were invented, the slaves.”  This invention proved to be the most permanent thus far, at the same time becoming the most damaging to humankind.  Every human eating wheat products has to be and always is a slave, his/hers brain has to be the brain of the slave, even if he/she holds the highest office in science, industry or politics.  All wars, diseases, all misfortunes affecting humankind for thousands of years are the result of this damned “invention”.

Of course, there is no doubt, that those closer to the pasture, for instance vegetarians, react in a way typical for herbivores. They suffer from fear states caused by the domination of the sympathetic system, they are always afraid of something, they feel threatened. The person on the optimal diet behaves in a totally different fashion. “Only wise is good, only stupid is evil” (Plato). If humans become wise, even uneducated, wise individuals, then I can guarantee that they will avoid aggression and conflicts. Why would they need them?

The Bible states: “And everything, that moves and lives will be food for you”. Then subsequently, animals transmitting diseases, e.g., trichinosis from pigs were excluded from consumption. Humans chose plant based food on their own: “Because you chose, weed of the land you will eat, damned will be the earth because of you.” Shepherd Abel could not act against his own kind, however, farmer Cain could do so and he did. We know that from the story in the Bible…

Let us consider vegetarian Adolf Hitler, who at age 50 suffered from such an advanced atherosclerotic Parkinsonism, that his left hand was totally paralyzed. People believe that others are vegetarians because they do not know the chemical composition of eaten products. If a person is eating mainly cheese, butter and cream, eggs and nuts as did Gandhi, then if they eat one or two kilograms of vegetables, which take much more space than do, for instance nuts or eggs, they only think that they are vegetarian, however, effectively they eat differently. 100 grams of goose lard is the same as 1.5 kg of potatoes. Regardless of the fact that a diet based exclusively on plant products is far more expensive, one has to consider that such a diet is unable to deliver all the necessary nutrients for the body, for instance some amino acids.

Humans, in order to fulfil their full daily needs of the body by the exclusive consumption of vegetables, would need to eat from 20 kg of mushrooms to 50 kg of cauliflower! Meanwhile the human stomach has a volume of approx. 1.5 litres (pigs have 6-7, sheep over 10, and cows 150), thus herbivores have much bigger stomachs. Omnivores, for instance pigs, have bigger stomachs as well, but humans have smaller stomachs than even carnivores, because we are supposed to eat fried meat.

Humans, being carnivores, have incisors. However, human teeth are exclusively human, they have not changed over the last 40 thousand years and they are not similar to the teeth of other carnivores or the teeth of herbivores. The better the nutrition, the shorter the small intestine, in humans it is from 4 to 4.5 m long, in large dogs 7 m, in pigs 16 to 20 m, and in sheep over 40 m! And that is the answer.  The organs are created to digest what is to be eaten!

I first came across the book back in 2007, read it and put it away, thinking that it was pretty interesting food for though but not ready to implement it just yet.  Then, the book was brought to my attention again in 2009, and I decided to try “The Optimal Diet” for one month and lost 10 pounds and cured my hypoglycemia, and my asthma greatly improved as well.  Then, the next month, October 2009, I became pregnant with Charity and, due to nausea from morning sickness, I had trouble eating so much fat, although I persisted as much as I could.  But, once I got out of the first trimester and my appetite returned to normal, I had, because of the diet, permanently developed a “taste” for fatty meats and creams and cheeses and continued to eat as close to “The Optimal Diet” as I could afford to…but not the 77-82% fat that the diet recommends but more like 60% fat on most days.  I continued with this all through Charity’s pregnancy and then Samuel’s pregnancy.  Both were normal, successful pregnancies and births, even Samuel who is my fifth child and whose birth was closer than desired to my previous birth, was born perfectly healthy and normal at home 1 week earlier than his EDD and weighed only 6lb. 7oz. because of that, but other than being small had absolutely no other problems to speak of.  He is a normal average one year old and extremely bright, most likely the most intelligent of all my children.  I attribute this to the increased amount of fats which I worked to maintain through my last two pregnancies and still continue to eat mostly that same way.

NOW, I am prepared to take it to the next level and fully go back to eating “The Optimal Way” and maintain it for an extended period of time to see what happens, will my body continue to improve??

The principles of the Optimal Diet

The main principle of this dietary model is a marked increase in the consumption of fat, and the reduction in the consumption carbohydrate, as the energy source for the body. There are, however, strict rules on the proportion between the three main food components, protein, fat and carbohydrates, which need to be followed (with few exceptions) in order to achieve claimed benefits of the Optimal Diet.

The ideal proportion between the main food components of protein, fat and carbohydrates should be in the range of:

1 : 2.5 – 3.5 : 0.8

In order to work out the correct daily food intake using this proportion, one has to know how many grams of protein needs to be ingested in a day to satisfy body’s requirements. This amount varies from person to person and depends on a “due body weight”. Due body weight, in kilograms, is equal to person’s height in centimetres less 100 (± 10%). Thus, for a person 160 cm tall, a due body weight is 60 kg ± 6 kg.

A correct amount of protein to be consumed in a day is approx. 1 g of protein per 1 kilogram of a due body weight.

Thus, a 60 kg person needs to consume 60 ± 6 g of protein to satisfy body’s daily needs. Any excess of protein, above the daily requirement, is converted by the body to fat, provided energy requirements are met by other components.  Having worked out the amount of protein, one can then calculate the amount of other components in a daily menu. Thus, for our typical 60 kg person, the consumption of 60 g of protein has to be accompanied by between 150 to 210 g of fat, and 30 to 50 g of carbohydrate in order to follow the principles of the Optimal Diet.

For your protein requirement you should choose the weight that you wish to weigh, not the weight that you are. For me, my goal weight has always been 150 pounds which is 68 kg (I currently weight 177 lb.  ..I’m pretty muscular for a girl  so, for me, that’s a size 12), to convert pounds to kilograms take lbs. and divide by 2.2 to get what you weigh in kg.  So, my daily nutritional requirements would be as follows:

Protein: 68g

Fat: 170-238g

Carbohydrate: 54g

I will be utilizing FitDay.com to help me stay within my desired ranges.  Even though I do not eat nearly as much sugar or carbohydrate as the average person does (mainly because I do not like soda pop, cold sugary sweetened breakfast cereals, or bread) I fully expect there to be side effects and withdrawal symptoms, which I am prepared to deal with as they come.

Effects of the diet on the average person could manifest in these such ways:

— The first few weeks it’s not only difficult to make the change from high to low protein, and from moderate to high fat, you experience an enormous hunger that comes from cutting down on protein. And that’s despite eating a lot more calories.

— For many, the first few weeks bring either very small weight losses, or none, or even weight gain.

— After the initial first few weeks, hunger lessens and protein cravings, the body screaming at you to eat ‘more protein!’ lessens as well.

— After the initial weeks, many begin feeling less fatigued and more energized. Some have reported that the ‘lump’ their felt in their abdomens after eating a protein-laden main meal pre-Optimal Diet had disappeared. A sense of well-being grows, and many say that this way of eating somehow feels very ‘right’ to them, very natural.

— After the initial weeks, the need for even the allotted amount of protein begins to fade. Some have problems even eating as much as they are allowed without working at it.

— Real weight loss begins even if previously stalled on average Low Carb diets, sometimes a lot — even though calorie intake has climbed well over the amounts eaten pre-Optimal Diet, and well over so-called BMR requirements.

Know what this sounds like when I write it all out like that? Kicking an addiction, whether that it’s been to drugs, tobacco, Candida, or high carb foods like sugar and flour. ((taken from an Optimal Diet message board))

In the weeks and months to come, I will be sharing more about my experiences with “The Optimal Diet” along with some yummy recipes and eating strategies so stay tuned for that! 😀

Summer Wanes

I walk without flinching through the burning cathedral of the summer. My bank of wild grass is majestic and full of music. It is a fire that solitude presses against my lips. ~Violette Leduc

“Let your children be as so many flowers, borrowed from God. If the flowers die or wither, thank God for a summer loan of them.” – Samuel Rutherford

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time. ~John Lubbock

“I celebrate myself, and what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. I loafe and invite my soul, I lean and loafe at my ease … observing a spear of summer grass.” – Walt Whitman




Independence Meal #2 “Creamy Corn Chowder”

Independence Meal – A meal in which ALL or most of the ingredients are grown right here on our land.  Homegrown Meal Ingredients are colored GREEN.

We’re nearing the end of corn season ’round here. We picked a bunch of corn yesterday, slightly past it’s prime and a bit on the starchy side, so I made corn chowder!  What follows is really more of a “method” than an exact recipe…but you’ll get the idea . . . we had this for dinner last night and it was SO GOOD! 

First I got out a big soup pot, put it on the stove on medium heat and added a few tablespoons of butter (if I had thought better about it I would have used a bit of chicken schmaltz that I had been saving up from slaughtered chickens, then it would have been more authentically independent..), while the butter melted I chopped up 1 large onion and minced several cloves of garlic and added that to the butter.  Frying the onion and garlic in the butter until the onion is translucent.

While the onions and garlic were frying, I took about a dozen ears of moderately starchy corn, and shucked them and cut all the kernels off the cobs and put the kernels along with any corn juices (I cut the cobs with a bowl under them so that I can catch all that sweet delicious corn juice!) in the big soup pot along with the onions and garlic that were already cooking.

Then I got out some homemade chicken broth from a couple of chickens that I killed last week.  I poured that into the pot until the corn was just covered and let it all simmer on medium-low heat for about 1 1/2 hours or until the corn kernels have broken down and are real nice and tender, stirring occasionally and adding a bit more broth whenever the level got to low, keeping the corn just barely covered with broth.

Once the corn was fully cooked, I turned the heat down to a simmer and added some goat’s milk from our goats, it’s up to you how much ya wanna add…I like it real creamy so I added a whole QUART of milk that I had just miked that evening!

I continued to let that simmer, stirring occasionally,  until the natural starches in the corn caused the chowder to thicken up a bit.

Then I turned off the heat and seasoned it with salt and pepper, and dished it out into bowls and topped each bowl with a bit of fresh-cut “Zavory Pepper” (a heat-less Habanero…all the fruity sweet apricot-like flavor of the Habanero but without the extreme heat, there is a little bit of heat but it is very very mild…these have quickly become some of my most favorite peppers!)

All in all, a very simple, very easy, very TASTY meal…and a great way to use up corn that’s still edible but a bit on the starchy side! 😀

I got your back, bro!

I saw this image on Facebook last week and I just thought that it did such a good job of so perfectly illustrating how marriage is supposed to be that I saved it for a blog post 😀

I’ve heard a common complaint from women, especially Christian Women looking to The Bible as their “ideal” of what marriage should be like, that their husbands just don’t know how to lead …or that he refuses to lead….or that they don’t trust him to lead, therefore they must take over in whatever area they don’t feel like he is competent enough to be leading in.  But, I dare say, it is your very attitude that is responsible for his supposed “failure to lead”.  If you, his wife, fail to have faith in him…then who will?

According to “The Biblical Ideal”, marriage is intended to be a symbolic picture of Christ and His Bride, The Church. (not the mainstream state controlled 501-C3 corporate church, but the TRUE church, that is each individual that is indwelt by his Holy Spirit..)   The husband is symbolic of Christ and the wife symbolic of The Church.  So, it stands to reason that, as The Church is to be towards Christ so should the wife be towards the husband in marriage (and vice versa, but I’m not concerned with the husband’s role and all that it entails..after all, I am not a man.  But I can sympathize, the shoes of Christ are some mighty big shoes to fill!) and to whatever extent that either spouse fails in showing forth their intended symbolic role, this “picture” to the world then becomes distorted.

“For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing….This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.”  ~Ephesians 5:23, 24, 32

If the church fails to have faith in Jesus, then who will??  Likewise if the wife fails to have faith in her husband, then who will??  They go hand in hand.

In the Genesis account of creation God said,  “it is not good that man should be alone, I will make a help meet (old english word meaning suitable or perfectly designed to compliment him) for him”…taken from Adam’s “rib”,  she is apart of him and every man spends his life looking for that “missing part” of himself to regain wholeness again…as it says:

“So God created man in his own imagein the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”

The complete image of God is shown forth on earth through husband and wife as ONE.

Just as Christ and His Church are ONE.

At this late time in human history true marriage is so twisted and perverted, so “rent away” from it’s true intent and purpose that it becomes hard to even imagine how it should be.

But it’s quite simple really, all one need do is contemplate how The Church is to be towards Christ and then mimic that in one’s relationship with their own husband… and yes, I perfectly realize that he is NOT Christ to you…but that is besides the point, as a woman, my main concern is the “woman’s role” in the matter, for that is the part that I can control.

If both spouses are in disobedience there is no way that God can work with that…but if one spouse repents and brings herself into obedience, striving to show forth herself as The Church and behave as such within the marriage, then there may still be hope…you have to start somewhere after all…

When men are single they like to travel in packs.  You see it all the time, in real life, in TV shows, in the movies…single guys travelling around as a group of friends, offering up for each other the “psuedo-wife” morale support that they each so desperately crave.  They will get the courage to do the most insane, crazy things because they know that their  “bro”  has got their back.

Then the single guy gets married and he expects (even if not on a conscious level) that his wife will take over this role, that she will “stand by her man” as the song goes, and together they will go out and conquer the world.  But then she’s all like trying to change him …cut your hair, shave off that stubble it scratches my face, video games are so childish, you watch too much TV, you drink too much, you eat too much junk food, I hate the smell of cigarette smoke I thought you said you were quitting, you should go to church on Sundays instead of sleeping in, ugh your clothes are all wrong, football is stupid, fishing is soooo boring, your friends are sooo immature….and on and on and on and on it goes till he begins to wonder why she even married him at all…how could she even love him??  She seems to hate everything that he considers himself to be.

She may be his lover but she has failed to be his friend.  Jesus said “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.” (John 15:14)

Your husband doesn’t need a mother, he doesn’t need you to to be his conscience, he needs you to be his friend

But all to often a woman will hold herself in reservation above her man looking down on him, waiting for him to somehow become worthy of her love….but that’s not how it works, our men become great men and worthy leaders because we love them.   It is through The Church’s faith in Jesus that His Glory becomes manifest on earth …faith in our husbands, to the point where we can say with confidence that no matter what “I got your back, bro!” emboldens and empowers him to “rise up” as a Son Of God on earth, giving him the courage to fulfill whatever it is that God has planned for him to do.

If you have a “problem” (and I put problem in quotations because you may see a certain specific thing as a “problem” within your husband, but in real reality the “fault” that you find may be perfectly acceptable in the eyes of God…)  ..the best way I find to deal with “problems” is not to confront and nag and be contentious and annoying but rather to PRAY FOR HIM.  If you really truly do love him then the best thing you can do is pray for him..daily, hourly, second by second …every time a negative thought or attitude towards your husband starts to manifest itself in your mind, just say a simple prayer and dismiss the thought not allowing it to remain because thoughts that are entertained will grow and eventually become action.

I often pray that God help my husband with any sin areas of his life and that He give my husband wisdom, strength, courage, conviction etc. to stand and resist the trials and temptations that come his way, that God help him to choose the “narrow path” and that he continue to walk down it always.  And that God help me to practice forgiveness and understanding, knowing that for every fault that I overlook in my husband, God has overlooked at least 10 in myself.  And it really does work, you’d be amazed at how quickly God will act to answer the honest fervent prayer of a concerned and loving wife…and THAT is the REAL WAY to have your husband’s back! 😎

The Fullness Of Our Days

peaches are ripe, we’ve been picking and eating and eating and picking..making my first ever batch of peach wine too!

harvested onions and garlic and tomatillos…add in some cilantro and jalapenos from the garden along with a good bit of salt and you’ve got a great BIG bowl of lacto-fermented “Salsa Verde” 😀

I gave all the boys haircuts…here’s their “before” and “after” shots…Matthew prefers his hair on the longish side, I did my best to oblige him..

not little Samuel though, he’s too cute with his long “virgin” hair yet untouched by scissors 🙂

more harvest…those tiny pumpkins are called “Snackface”..full of hulless pumpkin seeds with little flesh…we LOVE roasted pumpkin seeds around here!

PEPPERS! I see hot sauce in my future 😀

and this where the babies play when we’re all outside working in the garden…

see the sand?? sand is fun!

Virginia Gold Tobacco air-drying on the side porch… ’tis quite tasty!

and here is a good shot of our GORGEOUS paprikas, drying “on the vine”…then we’ll grind them into delicious paprika powder..there’s NOTHING like homegrown homemade paprika, the stuff at the store can’t even come close! 😀

here’s my favorite chair, where I like to sit outside and read..it’s cast iron and rusted, it came with The Land..I recently made a little table for it, from a hollowed out log and a flat smooth stone, it is QUITE sturdy…I put my drink there 🙂