One Week Without Sugar: Day Six

Again, I wasn’t hungry hardly at all yesterday!  Seriously, it is so weird (especially after being pregnant for two years and feeling hungry constantly!) to get up and just have a  nice good steady energy supply and without even eating!  Most of the time anymore I just simply don’t feel hungry, it’s such a liberating and exhilarating feeling to not feel hungry…it’s hard to explain unless you’ve experienced it.  And I don’t feel hungry because my body is burning it’s “well stocked” fat stores (hahahahaha!) for energy instead of relying on food.  I get a feeling of actual real hunger about once a day…usually around 1 pm and that’s it.  If  I eat more often than that it’s simply out of habit…

I must say though, I barely got yesterday’s post published as not 5 minutes after I published it the electricity went out and did not come back on for 6 hours…. ’tis not unusual for our area this time of the year.  We live pretty far out right in the middle of nowhere and so there is always some issue with the electricity, especially in the winter.  That’s why we have a woodstove and a kerosene heater, and a kerosene cookstove for cooking without electricity…. most people around these parts have at least a woodstove, it’s a necessity as our winters are not pretty AT ALL and if the electricity were to go out during FREEZING weather (like it did yesterday when it was a whole 8 degrees out there with about 4 inches of snow!) then your liable to just freeze to death.  This area is NOT for the feint of heart…which is exactly why I LOVE living here 😀

Here is what I ate yesterday, I grazed for most of the day and probably could have made better food choices… but I was too busy still organizing and cleaning from taking everything out of the storage closet and attic.  The attic opening is just off the kitchen and so now it looks like my kitchen exploded!  However, tomorrow I am headed out to the thrift store and so will be bagging up most of it and dropping it off there as well as doing a bit of shopping….anyways, I’ll shut up now, here is what I ate:

1 6 oz. cup of coffee w/ 4 oz. goat’s milk (from out goats)

A “Meat Sandwich” – 2 pieces of salami with mayo and 1 oz. sliced cheddar cheese in between them

1 Vitamin Water ZERO “Drive”

3 nitrate/nitrite free all beef hot dogs with spicy mustard

2 oz. fresh mozzarella cheese balls

1 beer – The new Sam Adams brew called “Alpine Spring”….I was getting bored with Sam Adams for a while there but this new brew is truly something different and unique, they used a strange new type of hops…I forget the name of it, but it has a unique taste…I will definitely be trying this one again!

1 5 oz. glass chardonnay while watching “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine” reruns over Netflix Instant play with my husband after putting the kiddos to sleep 🙂

Here is my caloric breakdown from FitDay:

And now I will leave you with the link to another really good high fat low carb diet book…this one is entitled “Eat Fat, Grow Slim” By Richard Mackarness and it was written in 1958 and it’s totally FREE online…click here 😀

3 thoughts on “One Week Without Sugar: Day Six

  1. So glad to see you blogging again Stephanie! I always enjoy reading your blogs. Your latest entries have been inspiring & I look forward to reading more. God bless.

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