One Week Without Sugar: Day Two

Ok, today I woke up feeling not so great.  Feeling shaky and weak and foggy headed, I had about 4 oz. of raw goat’s milk (about 5 carbs) and 1 tbsp. of all natural peanut butter (about 3 carbs and lotsa good fat), and then my 1 cup of coffee with milk…after about 30 minutes I felt strong enough to get some work done….which means I didn’t get to the internet until later than usual, which is also the reason this post is up so late.

I was ready and waiting for this to happen though, I figured this would happen late yesterday afternoon when I had a mild headache for about 2 hours…it is my body coming off that last little bit of sugar that’s been in my diet from that one beer I was having everyday (15 carbs) and the 1 or 2 Dove Dark Chocolate Promises that I was having nearly everyday before I began this week without sugar (they’re about 4 carbs each, dark chocolate is healthy so they don’t count as junk food in my mind 😛 ) along with the occasional banana or baked potato that I was also having….

Moving on though, here is something you might find interesting, it is the FIRST high fat high protein low carb diet book ever written….it is called “Letter on Corpulence” and it was written by William Banting in 1869 and it’s a very interesting read.  The fact that eating grains and starches and sugars makes you fat was even realized and understood back then, after all when you wanted to fatten up a cow or pig or goose what would you feed them??  Usually corn or grains, and that’s exactly the kind of diet the idiot doctors recommend for weight loss!  Maybe if most people still raised their own food on small farmsteads like they did in 1869 they wouldn’t be so stupid or gullible enough to believe the doctor when he says that a diet low in fat and high in grains would help them lose weight….then again if they raised their own food they probably wouldn’t be fat to begin with.  We do raise a lot of our own food and I get plenty of exercise that way, however my fatness was attained through being pregnant for nearly two years straight, not because I am lazy 😀

my typical breakfast

So, without further adieu, here is what I ate yesterday:

12oz. coffee w/ 6 oz. raw goat’s milk (from our goats)

3 large eggs (from our hens) fried in 2 tbsp. of butter

4 strips of crispy fried bacon

1 egg white (the white of the egg that I soft boil so that I can feed Samuel the yolk)

1 Vitamin Water ZERO

my "Italian Cold-Cut Salad"

A big salad consisting of 2c. organic mixed baby greens (found this on clearance for 99 cents last time I went grocery shopping), 2 oz. cubed fresh mozzarella cheese (got on clearance for $2.99 for a whole pound), 1 Four cheese Italian sausage fried in bacon grease leftover from breakfast and chopped up (I got a 19 oz. package of these on clearance for $1.99), 1/4 of a red onion chopped, 3 marinated mushrooms chopped, 2 pickled pepperoncini peppers chopped, 2 tbsp. of Italian dressing with romano cheese, a couple dashes of raw apple cider vinegar and lotsa freshly ground black pepper….I call it the “Italian Cold-Cut Salad” 🙂

2 5 oz glasses burgandy red wine (not that it’s any of your business, but just so you know, because people can get weird about these things, I AM NOT a heavy drinker…I am not slamming these down one right after another.  I had one glass of wine with my “big salad” around 6:30 PM and then I had another a few hours later while watching a movie with my husband after the kiddos went to bed.)

Here is the breakdown from FitDay (I love these little charts)


I wanna talk about the “Big Salad”.  During the main part of the growing season, from about May to September, I can get away with eating a giant salad every. single. day….usually adding in hardboiled eggs, chicken meat from our chickens, or homemade goat cheese from our goat’s milk…and of course tomatoes, scallions, radishes, raw broccoli, raw snow peas or any other goodie that is coming from the garden at the time.  This is such a healthy and satisfying way to eat!

Even now, in February, we can grow enough to provide a small-medium sized salad for every person of “salad eatin’ age” in the family about once a week.  This time of the year, our homegrown salads usually consists of baby spinach, mache, baby swiss chard, and baby kale…ALL are extremely cold hardy greens.  However, during the winter months, I will gladly buy organic greens from the grocer, if the price is right.

I didn’t do much in the way of exercise, only the bare minimum outside (like milking goats, hauling water pails, and mucking stalls) as it was cold and snowy most of the day.  After school work was done the kids and I sat around playing video games and drinking cups of hot herbal tea.  I had about two cups of mama’s milk tea to which I add powdered dried marshmallow root as I read recently in an old folk medicine book, that picked up from a used bookstore for $2, that marshmallow root increases the fat content of breastmilk.  I don’t know if it actually works or not, but my little guy is nice and chubby and seems quite satisfied and happy most of the time….for this reason I will be growing Marshmallow in the garden this year.  And yes, Marshmallows were originally made from this plant, but that was back before high fructose corn syrup was invented….most people, including myself, don’t even know what a real marshmallow tastes like.

5 thoughts on “One Week Without Sugar: Day Two

  1. Marshmallows are similar to beet greeans in tast. They are very popular in Europe and Africa because they are muciligenic (sp?). This was one of the first edible weeds I learned about and when we moved, I did not find them growing wild so I planted some. They are commonly made into a soup like nettles, or brewed as a tea. I am not sure the flavor of sugar marshmallows is anywhere near real ones! I think they were used for consistency more than flavor, but I have never had a candy marshmallow flavored with real mallow.

  2. The original confection was made with sugar, but I’ll make an exception for the sugar if I’ve grown the marshmallow myself 😀

    here is the recipe that I plan to use:

    Recipe for Marshmallow sweets

    Make sure the mallow roots aren’t moldy or
    too woody. Marshmallow gives off almost
    twice its own weight of mucilaginous gel
    when placed in water.

    4 tablespoons marshmallow roots
    28 tablespoons refined sugar
    20 tablespoons gum arabic
    Water of orange flowers (for aroma or
    instead of plain water)
    2 cups water
    1-2 egg whites, well beaten

    Make a tea of marshmallow roots by simmering
    in a pint of water for twenty to thirty
    minutes. Add additional water if it simmers
    down. Strain out the roots. Heat the gum and
    marshmallow decoction (water) in a double
    boiler until they are dissolved together.
    Strain with pressure. Stir in the sugar as
    quickly as possible. When dissolved, add the
    well beaten egg whites, stirring constantly,
    but take off the fire and continue to stir.
    Lay out on a flat surface. Let cool, and cut
    into smaller pieces.

  3. These food posts are making me hungry. : )

    I’ve often wondered if there was a way to increase the fat content in breastmilk. Most of my babies tend to be on the smaller side (weight wise) but I ‘m not very big either, maybe it’s just genetics.

    So I see you have a new baby. Did you post the birth story..don’t know if I missed it, but would love to hear it. I guess I’m a bit of a birth junkie.

    • No, I didn’t have a blog then…but there really isn’t much to it, I started having mild contractions the night before, easy enough to sleep through, by morning they got stronger and stronger as I went about the house doing my chores and preparing. When they got to about 5 minutes apart I called my midwives, and three hours after they arrived I gave birth. I had back labor at the beginning but with positioning and deep relaxation I got him to turn and immediately went into transition and he came not very long after that. Simple, easy, straightforward…exactly as birth should be! 🙂

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