Homestead Diet Day Four

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Today is measurements day!

Current Measurements…

Bust: 39 3/4″ (same as last Thursday) Started at 41″

Waist: 33 1/2 ” (1/2 inch loss since last week!) Started at 35″

Hips: 45″ (same as last Thursday) Started at 46″

So far, since April 11th when I began this quest to lose weight, which recently morphed into “The Homestead Diet”, I have lost a total of 3 3/4″ inches! πŸ˜€

There is a reason I do these measurements on Thursday, and I will tell you, it’s because if I overeat or eat the wrong things I am most likely to do so on Friday or Saturday and that gives me a whole week to get my diet back in check and on the right track before my next measurements day on Thursday…just a bit of sneakiness on my part πŸ˜‰

Continuing with “The Homestead Diet”, in which I eat only things that we’re grown here on our homestead (zero calorie flavorings and seasonings being allowed), here is what I ate yesterday:

  • A green smoothie consisting of 12 oz. of our goat’s milk, 3 egg yolks from our hens, and 20 LARGE spinach leaves from the garden, along with a bit of stevia, vanilla extract, almond extract and nutmeg
  • A spinach salad with radish and swiss chard sprouts that I thinned from the garden, along with radishes and spring onions from the garden, dressed with RAW apple cider vinegar, salt, pepper, and a finely minced clove of garlic that we grew last year (garlic is almost all used up though!) and 2 hardboiled eggs from our hens
  • And then 2 eggs scrambled and topped with homemade goat cheese and sauce leftover from Tuesday night’s dinner (it was REALLY good! Β the sauce seemed to take on more flavor on the second day..) along with a 12 oz. glass of our RAW goat’s milk

Total Calories: 1,266

As for exercise yesterday, really just more of the same…milking goats twice a day, hauling water buckets twice a day, weeding and digging in the garden, planting TONS of lettuce seeds and harvesting more garden goodies, also picked whole bunches of dandelion blossoms for making some homemade dandelion wine and violet blossoms for making a violet complexion lotion for the face….I do these things every year in the Spring Time πŸ™‚

violet blossoms, they grow ALL OVER the place here in the Springtime

violet blossoms, they grow ALL OVER the place here in the Springtime

Violet Complexion Lotion: Steep 1 heaping cup of fresh violet blossoms in 1 cup "blood temperature" 95-100 degrees milk (preferably raw goat's milk for best results) for 24 hours, strain the liquid and use of face and neck like a's especially good for oily skin (store in fridge, lasts about 1 week)

Violet Complexion Lotion: Steep 1 heaping cup of fresh violet blossoms in 1 cup “blood temperature” 95-100 degrees milk (preferably raw goat’s milk for best results) for 24 hours, strain the liquid and use on face and neck like a toner…it’s especially good for oily skin (store in fridge, lasts about 1 week)…you can also eat the blossoms, we like to put them on our salads to make them pretty πŸ™‚

2 thoughts on “Homestead Diet Day Four

  1. Not sure if your family is big on eating jelly, but dandelion jelly is awesome! It tastes like a light honey flavor. And the little ones enjoy pickin the dandelions!

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